ActFocusComboBox | ActFocusComboBox is the combo-box of the solution number is ModelHelpDlg |
ActionPushButton | ActionPushButton is a QPushButton which takes its characteristics from a QAction |
AssembleStepDlg | AssembleStepDlg is the small dialog that contains a slider that controls the assembly step shown |
BoundedBlock | BoundedBlock contains the walls existance data of a single voxel |
BoundedBlockSpace3D | BoundedBlockSpace3D is a 3D space of BoundedBlock elements |
BuildDimension | BuildDimension contains the raw data of a single dimention of tiles in BuildWorld |
BuildDimension::BuildPage | BuildPage is a single page in the dimention |
BuildGLWidget | BuildGLWidget is the interactive GLWidget used for designing the structure to solve |
BuildHelpDlg | BuildHelpDlg is the design sidebar widget displayed next to BuildGLWidget |
BuildHelpDlg::FamCtrl | FamCtrl aggragates the widgets of a single piece family in BuildHelpDlg |
BuildWorld | BuildWorld holds the raw data from the design editor |
BuildWorld::TransSqr | TransSqr is the datum of the transp internal lookup table used doTransparent() |
BuildWorld::WorldLimits | WorldLimits contains the actual limits of BuildWorld in its 3 dimentions |
Configuration | Configuration holds the configuration of the application |
Coord3d | Coord3d is a general purpose three dimentional vertor of ints |
Coord3df | Coord3df is a general purpose three dimentional vector of floats |
CoordBuild | CoordBuild is a full coordniate designator for a tile in BuildWorld |
Cube | Cube holds the solution engine which integrates Shape and PicsSet to produce instances of SlvCube |
Cube::CubeCell | CubeCell is the basic voxel value in the Cube 3D space |
CubeDoc | CubeDoc centeralizes the data of the current design and solutions displayed in the application |
DataPushButton | DataPushButton is a push button with some memory about its identity |
DataSpinBox | DataSpinBox is a spin box with memory which can be set to middle values |
DisplayConf | DisplayConf holds configuration parameters for the 3D solution display |
EngineConf | EngineConf holds configuration parameters for the solution engine |
GameWidget | GameWidget impelents the easter egg game functionality |
GameWidget::Score | Score is a single entity with a name and a score |
GameWidget::Ship | Ship represents a single space invader |
GameWidget::Shot | Shot represents a single shot shot from the gun |
GLWidget | GLWidget serves as a further abstraction of OpenGL from QGLWidget |
GrpColorDlg | GrpColorDlg controls the color variables of the texture of a solution |
HalfEdge | HalfEdge objects are used in the process of polygon subdivision in MyObject::subdivide() |
LinesCollection | LinesCollection draws the lines seperating the pieces in the 3D solution display |
MainWindow | MainWindow is the main GUI window |
ModelGLWidget | ModelGLWidget is the GLWidget which displays the finished solution |
ModelHelpDlg | ModelHelpDlg is the solution view sidebar displayed next to ModelGLWidget |
MyAllocator | MyAllocator is a helper memory allocator for MyPoint, MyPolygon and HalfEdge objects |
MyFile | MyFile is a silly abstraction to a text file which contains data saved by the application |
MyLine | MyLine is a single line drawned using a specific color between two MyPoint instance |
MyObject | MyObject is a mesh of polygons which make out a single piece in the 3D solution engine |
MyObject::MyPointWrapper | MyPointWrapper is a shallow wrapper for a MyPoint pointer |
MyPoint | MyPoint represents a point in 3D space with some additional information relevat to it |
MyPolygon | MyPolygon represents a single polygon to the 3D solution display engine |
OptionsDlg | OptionsDlg is the configuration dialog of the application |
OptionsDlg::SD_Pass | SD_Pass holds the widgets of a single subdivision pass in the display tab of OptionsDlg |
PatchQGLContext | PatchQGLContext is a dummy class that promotes methods from protected to public |
PicArr | PicArr is the most basic definition of the layout a piece |
PicBucket | PicBucket is the main repository where all the data about all the pieces resides |
PicDef | PicDef holds a complete definition of a single piece |
PicDef::NAPathCoord | NAPathCoord is the same as PathPoint but without any constructors |
PicDef::PathCoord | PathCoord is a 2D point used in the representation of the bounding path in PicDef |
PicDef::PathPoint | PathPoint is the datum of the pathway table used to build the bounding path of a PicDef |
PicFamily | PicFamily is a collection of the pieces of the same family |
PicGroupDef | PicGroupDef is a collection of similar looking pieces |
PicInitThread | PicInitThread does some initialization in a seperate thread to avoid blocking the main GUI |
PicPainter | PicPainter creates the display list of the polygon mesh of a single piece in the 3D soultion view |
PicPainter::BuildFrame | BuildFrame is the datum of the internal lookup table used while creating the piece initial polygon mesh |
PicsSelectWidget | PicsSelectWidget is the detailed piece selection window |
PicsSelectWidget::GroupCtrl | GroupCtrl holds the widgets relevant for a group of pieces. |
PicsSelectWidget::PicCtrl | PicCtrl holds the widgets relevant for a single piece in PicsSelectWidget |
PicsSet | PicsSet holds all the pieces of an active solving session |
PicType | PicType represents a piece when it is a part of an active piece set |
PieceGLWidget | PieceGLWidget is the small OpenGL widget in the solution sidebar which shows the current piece |
PointPair | PointPair is a simple struct of two MyPoints objects |
Pool< T > | Pool is a fast allocating buffer of many objects of the same type |
PoolStats | PoolStats is the datum of the poolStats list which holds the optimal sizes of MyAllcator pools |
RunStats | RunStats holds basic statistics and state for the solution engine |
Shape | Shape holds the definition of a structure design which can be built using happy cube pieces |
Shape::CornerDef | CornerDef is the definition of a corner, a point meeting place of several faces |
Shape::FaceDef | FaceDef is the definion of a face, A face is a placeholder for a 5x5 happy cube piece |
Shape::SideDef | SideDef is the definition of a side, a border between two faces |
Shape::SideFind | SideFind is the datum of the normSide lookup table used in Shape::checkSide() |
Shape::TransType | TransType holds the data of a transformation from and index to an index |
ShapePlace | ShapePlace represents a single tile in the Shape to be built |
SIDlg | SIDlg is an easter egg Space Invaders game |
SillyRand | SillyRand is a simple linear random number generator |
SizedWidget | SizedWidget is a normal QWidget which impements sizeHint() |
SlvCube | SlvCube represents a single solution of a design |
SlvCube::SlvPic | SlvPic holds the data of a single piece that was selected when the solution was generated |
SlvCube::SlvPiece | SlvPiece holds the date of a single tile in a solution |
SlvData | SlvData is the data object for the action in the solution number combo of ModelHelpDlg |
SlvPainter | SlvPainter paints an entire solution scene on the given GLWidget |
Solutions | Solutions holds the collection of the current solutions found |
SolveDlg | SolveDlg shows the statistics of a working solution engine |
SolveThread | SolveThread is the thread dedicated for the solution generation engine |
Space3D< T > | Space3D is a generic three dimentional array |
SqrLimits | SqrLimits contains limits of single dimention |
TexAnchor | TexAnchor is a simple 2D coordinate which specifies an anchor in a texture |
Texture | Texture contains the data of a texture in the 3D solution viewer |
UsedPieces | UsedPieces is a bit array which indicated which pieces are in use |