Shape Member List
This is the complete list of members for
Shape, including all inherited members.
checkCorner(int x, int y, int z, QLinkedList< CornerDef > &clst) | Shape | [private] |
checkSide(EAxis ldr, int x, int y, int z, QLinkedList< SideDef > &slst, QLinkedList< SideDef > &slstError) | Shape | [private] |
cnn | Shape | |
copyFace(Shape::FaceDef src, Shape::FaceDef *dest) | Shape | [private] |
corners | Shape | |
createTrasformTo(const Shape *news, TTransformVec &movedTo, bool *trivialTransform) | Shape | |
deallocate() | Shape | |
EFacing enum name | Shape | |
errorSides | Shape | |
faceNei(int whos, int fnei[4]) | Shape | [private] |
faceNeiFirst(int whos, TransType trans[]) | Shape | [private] |
faceNeiFirstOpt(int whos, TransType trans[]) | Shape | [private] |
faces | Shape | |
FACING_IN enum value | Shape | |
FACING_OUT enum value | Shape | |
FACING_UNKNOWN enum value | Shape | |
fcn | Shape | |
generate(const BuildWorld *build) | Shape | |
loadFrom(MyFile *rdfl) | Shape | |
locateFace(EPlane ldr, Coord3d lex) const | Shape | [private] |
locateFaceHardWay(EPlane ldr, Coord3d lex) const | Shape | |
m_opt_facesLoc | Shape | [private] |
makeReverseNei() | Shape | [private] |
makeVolumeAndFacing() | Shape | [private] |
readAxis(const BuildWorld *build, int iss, int jss, int pgss, EPlane planedr, QLinkedList< FaceDef > &flst, int *reqfirst, SqrLimits &bound) | Shape | [private] |
reArrangeFacesBFS(FaceDef faces[], FaceDef revis[], TransType trans[]) | Shape | [private] |
reArrangeFacesDFS(FaceDef faces[], FaceDef revis[], TransType trans[]) | Shape | [private] |
rotfirst | Shape | |
saveTo(MyFile *wrfl) | Shape | |
sdn | Shape | |
sdnError | Shape | |
Shape() | Shape | [inline] |
sides | Shape | |
size | Shape | |
volume | Shape | [private] |
~Shape() | Shape | [inline] |